
As a volunteer, you can decide when and how you are involved. Many volunteers find fulfillment in spending time with patients—reading, playing games, and/or even bringing their pets. Volunteers are often amazed to learn about patients’ exciting adventures, sacrificial service to their country & community, and devotion to their families. If a patient lives in her/his private home you might run simple errands, provide light housekeeping, or yard work (what, exactly, you do is based on your interests and abilities, as well as the patient’s needs). Patients benefit from someone special who listens, makes time for them, and cares. If working with patients isn’t your strength, you may prefer to give your time helping our staff in the office. Regardless of your role, Evergreen Hospice will provide the training you’ll need. 

Interested in becoming a hospice volunteer? Call EHC today at 913.477.8248.